About Us
Our experience has shown that the majority of our customers who have tried to create their own design of interiors or exteriors of their homes, or use the services of lay people only to arrive at the wrong decisions. That eventually led to higher costs related to the restructuring of the design objects and error correction and reduced their price when selling.
We open the section “DESIGNER’S ADVICES” for you so you can avoid making similar mistakes. Contact us on all matters of design and architectural solutions for your homes and businesses.

Established in 1998, Classic Design Inc. is a Toronto based company dedicated to creating high-quality, beautiful interior design and projects in both commercial and residential vicinities, as well acting as retailer of Italian- and Canadian-manufactured kitchens. Our designers are PhD-Architectural certified in Moscow Central Research and Design Institute of Town Planning and handle their tasks with an expansive professional knowledge but also with an acute sensitivity to beauty, harmony, and the aesthetic and functional needs of the individual customer. We implement the latest software technology to ensure the accuracy of the project and to aid preliminary face-to-face consultations in order to ensure the satisfaction of our customers.
A NEW ITALIAN KITCHEN SIGNIFICANTLY RAISES THE MARKET-VALUE OF YOUR HOUSE BY 15-20 %, while the cost of installing it is lower than that. In other words: You will greatly profit from investing in a new Italian kitchen that will be delivered to you by our company Classic Design inc.!

You can order an Italian or locally manufactured kitchen of any the size, colors and style, following a needs assessment in office of company Classic Design inc. and a measurement of your kitchen.
Office location: 131 Torresdale Ave., Toronto, ON
Tel: 416-739-1933
Mobile: 416-464-0405